Knitted Double Strand Kid's Hat

This adorable hat is crafted with a unique knitting technique that creates a double strand of warmth and comfort. Made specifically for kids, it combines style and functionality to keep your little one snug during chilly days. The Cozy Duo-Knit Children's Beanie is expertly handcrafted using high-quality yarn, ensuring durability and softness against your child's delicate skin. The double strand design not only adds an extra layer of insulation but also gives the hat a charming textured look. With its stretchy and flexible nature, this hat provides a perfect fit for children of various ages and head sizes. 

Kids Double Strand Knit Hat Knitting Pattern

Yarn: Lion Brand Heartland in Olympic, Dry Tortugas, Kings Canyon
Needles: Size US 10 straight knitting needles
Gauge: 10 sts and 22 rows = 4 inches in pattern
Size: 6-10 years old

Pattern instructions:

(This hat is knit flat and then seamed)

With 1 strand each of white and blue held together, cast on 63 sts.
1st row: (RS). K2. *P1. K1. Rep from * to last st. K1.
2nd row: *K1. P1. Rep from * to last st. K1.
Work in this K1, P1 ribbing for 4” inches, ending on a wrong side row. Break the white yarn and attach the green.

Decrease row:
P6. *P2tog. P5. Rep from * to last st. P1. (55 sts)

Work in pattern as follows:
Row 1: (RS). K1. *K1below. K1. Rep from * to end of row.
Row 2: Knit across.
Row 3: K2. *K1below. K1. Rep from * to last st. K1.
Row 4: Knit across.

Repeat these 4 rows until the hat measures 9 1/2 inches from the cast-on edge. End on the 4th row of the pattern.

Shape the crown:

Row 1: (RS). K1. *K1below. K3tog. K1below. K1. Rep from * end of row. (37 sts)
Row 2: Knit across.
Row 3: K2. *K1below. K3tog. Rep from * to last 3 sts. K1below. K2. (21 sts)
Row 4: Knit across.
Row 5: K1. *K1below. K3tog. Rep from * to end of row. (11 sts)

Break yarn, leaving a long tail. Thread the end onto a yarn needle and remove the stitches from the knitting needle. Pull to tighten and sew the side seam. Weave in ends.

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