Knit a Polo Sweater

Let’s make ourselves this super trendy polo sweater. I just love the design of this gorgeous sweater, it is so unique and super trendy. It’s perfect for literally any age, the young will also absolutely love this design. I’ve seen a couple of girls wear this on my Instagram feed and I can say that they looked absolutely great. Friends, let’s get started!

Materials needed:

  • Yarn
  • Size US 6 (4.0 mm) 32” or longer circular knitting needles (for body)
  • Size US 5 (3.75 mm) 32” or longer circular knitting needles (to work bottom hem)
  • Size US 4 (3.5 mm) 32” circular knitting needles (to work sleeve cuffs and neckband)
  • Size US 4 (3.5 mm) Double Pointed Needles (optional, to work sleeve cuffs)
  • 5.0 mm crochet hook (to work faux seams)
  • Cable Needle
  • Stitch Markers
  • Stitch holder or scrap yarn
  • Tapestry Needle to weave in ends

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