Make a Lovely Cardigan

Make a Lovely Cardigan that will easily fit any of your outfits. This cardigan is perfect for the cool seasons and will also be great for those cool summer nights.The texture of this cardigan is very soft and light on the body. This cardigan can easily be worn buttoned up or without buttoning. Have fun! 

Materials needed:

  • Yarn
  • 29" circular needle, sizes 9
  • (5.50 mm) and 101⁄2 (6.50 mm) or size to obtain gauge
  • 1 set each double-pointed needles, sizes 9 (5.50 mm) and 101⁄2 (6.50 mm)
  • 4 stitch markers
  • Tapestry needle
  • Waste yarn to hold stitches
  • Seven 1" buttons

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